The Course
The 100% school-based approach we use means our own outstanding teachers are at the heart of your development. You will train by working alongside - and being mentored by - people who won't ask you to do anything they can't demonstrate by doing well themselves. They will be working with the same children you will be teaching, meaning conversations regarding pedagogy and methodology are pertinent and relevant.
With no blocks of time out at a University you will also experience the full cycle of the school year from welcoming and settling new students in September to celebrating the success of school leavers in July and the full annual cycle between. By the end of your year with us, you will be ready to teach across the full year as an ECT.
Mercia Learning Alliance and The Sheffield SCITT are committed to providing quality first teacher training. We continually develop and review our programme of study to make it current and relevant.
This course will entail 4 days in school. During time in school you will be guided by an experienced mentor. One day per week you will join other trainees teachers. You will receive high quality training on all aspects of the Teacher Standards including: teacher presence and behaviour management, planning and teaching effective lessons, and how to really stretch and challenge students.
There are three formally assessed teaching practices throughout the year. You will begin, and spend the majority of the year, in your ‘Home School’ and there will be the opportunity to complete one teaching practice in a contrasting primary school, in an alternate Key Stage.
We offer two different Primary 5 - 11 courses; Primary with QTS and Primary PGCE with QTS. Our PGCE is delivered through the University of Hull. You will spend approximately 3 days over the year with your tutors from the University of Hull.
You can express a preference for your Home School based on location, preference for the type of school or a personal connection to a community you want to serve, but we cannot guarantee to meet everyone's preference.
It would be sensible for trainees to base themselves within commutable distance of their Home School, so these are finalised with you before the summer holidays to allow you to arrange your accommodation. We make every attempt to make sure the alternative placement school is in an accessible location, but it may involve a few weeks of travelling further to get that all important contrasting experience in the right school for you.
Currently, schools you can train in within our alliance are:
- Dore Primary School
- Nether Edge Primary School
- Totley Primary School
- Woodlands Primary School
- Hunters Bar Infants School